Saturday 26 December 2015

Click to Train

Clicker is a small device that produces the same sound upon clicking. It is used in positive reinforcement method based training to mark the correct behaviour. Positive reinforcement is the most modern and scientifically proven method to train not only dogs but cats, hyenas, lions, tigers, elephants, horses, dolphins and moreover human babies! 
The usages of clicker requires three consecutive steps to follow while training dogs,-

  1. Classical Conditioning: As experimented by Ivan P. Pavlob. He discovered that if a same unique sound (bell ring) is immediately followed by food, then gradually, the dog associates the sound with food. The sound eventually becomes a biological stimulus for the dog as the dogs gland start to produce saliva in anticipation of food whenever the dog hears the same bell ringing. 
  2. Operant Conditioning:  As experimented by B. F. Skinner. He discovered that monkeys are able to find out a solution to reach food located at a high elevation in a room, where there was no other option to survive. So, when, the very survival is questioned, animal can become problem solver and if they understand that there is no other option but to work for food, they start to do so in such a manner that their action produces food. 
  3. Positive Reinforcement: Positive reinforcement means praising the correct behaviour with reward and making the dog repeat the same again and again until the dog learns that a particular behaviour has a positive consequence. Here clicker is used to mark the correct behaviour. 
Our behaviour is actually consequence driven, especially when we learn. So with our dogs. If food is used as a reward for positive behaviour and clicker sound is associated with the food, the dog will find out ways to behave in such a manner that produces food. Now, here comes another significance of clicker;- clicker is clicked to mark the right moment when the desired behaviour happens and the sound is followed by food. Thus, our furry baby understands exactly which behaviour produces food and loves to repeat the behaviour as it has some positive consequence.    

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